### Why Should I Care About This Note? - Society is inherently competitive - We want to maximize our opportunities for success - But we're made to believe value is based on the quantity/quality of our content - But in actuality, content plays second or third fiddle to other factors - Connection - Instability of the viewer's current situation - Cost/benefit analysis - Presentation - So in many respects, we're sputtering when doing the following - Applying for jobs - Seeking friendships - Living a sustainable life in capitalistic world - Value is not what *we believe*, but rather, *what they believe* ### Step One: Align with the Audience's Subconscience - [[How to Win Friends and Influence People|Genuine appreciation / respect for the audience / reader]] - A flattering cover letter for a resume - Making a promise to the audience / reader - You will know this by the end of the talk / paper - Looking / playing the part - Using the right phrase words - Weaing the right attire - Knowing who's in the room - Being sympathetic toward the audience / reader - Relate with what they may be feeling / experiencing - Asking simple, obviously agreeable questions - Making statements which align with the audience's worldview ### Step Two: Generate Instability (the problem) - [[The Craft of Writing Effectively|Making the audience / reader believe they're living a lie, a half-truth]] - _We're all A+ grade students, however, we're fed validation by individuals paid to do so (teachers). What good is their approval in real-world scenarios?_ - Boldly disagree with the status-quo - Forcing the reader/audience to perceive something is amiss - Differentiation from others - _John's design is for a different use case, reducing overall effectiveness_ - Time constraints - The audience / reader will be without _the thing_ after _this period_ ### Step Three: Present a Cost / Benefit Proposition - The reader would be _left behind_ without _the thing_ - Missed opportunities - Increased revenue - A life partner - Career growth - Potential employee - The audience needs to rationalize this, it cannot be stated to them ### Step Four: Let them Buy Your Explanation - The reader / audience is intently curious and wants to learn more - [[How to Speak?|Ways to get the explanation across]] - Establish an empathetic connection - Tell a story - We love stories - Be relatable - Use props / images - Use a whiteboard / blackboard - Write out details in realtime - Draw images - Our minds can comprehend at the rate of one's writing speed